Welcome to
Corporate Carpooling
Hochschule Luzern
powered by HitchHike


Login using your HitchHike account.

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Create a new account. Your advantages:

  • Plan my ride quickly and easily
  • Interesting acquaintances
  • Split parking and gas expenses with two, three or four others
  • The use is free of charge to you; the service is offered by HitchHike
  • Use the profile you created to also access the public HitchHike carpooling free of charge
Create a new account

Department of Computer Science and Engineering & Architecture

HitchHike @ Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Art

Students and employees of the Department of Computer Science and Technology & Architecture can carpool internally here.


  • Make new acquaintances
  • Divide parking and gas costs by two, three or four
  • Simplify the search for a parking space
  • Use is free for you, the service is sponsored by your university and partnersNeue Bekanntschaften machen

What do you have to do?
Enter your commute times and find a carpool. We support you!

Attention semester start/end
Register at the start of the semester with your HSLU email address and thus secure access to the internal HSLU community.
Enter your private e-mail address before the end of the semester, so you can save your personal profile and continue to use it after your time at the HSLU. ;-)


MyCampus Students Information 

INSIDE Employees Information

Code of Conduct



HitchHike Website